Some Problems Concerning Polynomials over Finite Fields, or Algebraic Divertissements

Pizzato, Marco (2013) Some Problems Concerning Polynomials over Finite Fields, or Algebraic Divertissements. PhD thesis, University of Trento.

PDF - Doctoral Thesis


In this thesis we consider some problems concerning polynomials over finite fields. The first topic is the action of some groups on irreducible polynomials. We describe orbits and stabilizers. Next, we consider transformations of irreducible polynomials by quadratic and cubic maps and study the irreducibility of the polynomials obtained. Finally, starting from PN functions and monomials, we generalize this concept, introducing k-PN monomials and classifying them for small values of k and for fields of order p, p^2 and p^4.

Item Type:Doctoral Thesis (PhD)
Doctoral School:Mathematics
PhD Cycle:XXV
Subjects:Area 01 - Scienze matematiche e informatiche > MAT/02 ALGEBRA
Repository Staff approval on:19 Dec 2013 16:10

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