Mining human Behaviors: automated behavioral Analysis from small to big Data

Staiano, Jacopo (2014) Mining human Behaviors: automated behavioral Analysis from small to big Data. PhD thesis, University of Trento.

PDF - Doctoral Thesis
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This research thesis aims to address complex problems in Human Behavior Understanding from a computational standpoint: to develop novel methods for enabling machines to capture not only what their sensors are perceiving but also how and why the situation they are presented with is evolving in a certain manner. Touching several fields, from Computer Vision to Social Psychology through Natural Language Processing and Data Mining, we will move from more to less constrained scenarios, describing models for automated behavioral analysis in different contexts: from the individual perspective, e.g. a user interacting with technology, to the group perspective, e.g. a brainstorming session; from living labs, e.g. hundreds of people transparently tracked in their everyday life through smart-phone sensors, to the World Wide Web.

Item Type:Doctoral Thesis (PhD)
Doctoral School:Information and Communication Technology
PhD Cycle:26
Subjects:Area 01 - Scienze matematiche e informatiche > INF/01 INFORMATICA
Repository Staff approval on:29 May 2014 11:31

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