Approximate Explicit MPC and Closed-loop Stability: Analysis based on PWA Lyapunov Functions

Trimboli, Sergio (2012) Approximate Explicit MPC and Closed-loop Stability: Analysis based on PWA Lyapunov Functions. PhD thesis, University of Trento.

PDF - Doctoral Thesis


Model Predictive Control (MPC) is the de facto standard in advanced industrial automation systems. There are two main formulations of the MPC algorithm: an implicit one and an explicit MPC one. The first requires an optimization problem to be solved on-line, which is the main limitation when dealing with hard real-time applications. As the implicit MPC algorithm cannot be guaran- teed in terms of execution time, in many applications the explicit MPC solution is preferable. In order to deal with systems integrating mixed logic and dynam- ics, the class of the hybrid and piecewise affine models (PWA) were introduced and tackled by the explicit MPC strategy. However, the resulting controller complexity leads to a requirement on the CPU/memory combination which is as strict as the number of states, inputs and outputs increases. To reduce drasti- cally the complexity of the explicit controller while preserving the controller’s performance, a strategy combining switched MPC with discontinuous simpli- cial PWA models is introduced in this thesis. The latter is proven to be circuit implementable, e.g., in FPGA. To ensure that closed-loop stability properties are guaranteed, a stability analysis tool is proposed which exploits suitable and possibly discontinuous PWA Lyapunov-like functions. The tool requires solving offline a linear programming problem. Moreover, the tool is able to compute an invariant set for the closed-loop system, as well as ultimate boundedness and input-to-state stability properties.

Item Type:Doctoral Thesis (PhD)
Doctoral School:Information and Communication Technology
PhD Cycle:XXV
Subjects:Area 09 - Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione > ING-INF/04 AUTOMATICA
Repository Staff approval on:06 Dec 2012 15:06

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