Number of items at this level: 65.
19 December 2008
Toniutti, Laura (2008) Studio tramite spettroscopia positronica di difetti di tipo vacanza in idruri metallici a base magnesio e di porositá in membrane selettive. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
12 November 2009
Gradenigo, Giacomo (2009) The study of surface tension within the random first-order theory of glass transition. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
20 November 2009
Bariani, Francesco (2009) Light Propagation in Ultracold Atomic Gases. PhD thesis, University of Trento, INFM-CNR-BEC.
21 January 2010
Karakuscu, Aylin (2010) Synthesis and Characterization of Luminescent Nanostructured SiOC Thin Films. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
26 February 2010
Pitanti, Alessandro (2010) Light-matter interaction in silicon nanophotonic structures. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
13 December 2010
Bertaina, Gianluca (2010) Study of Ultracold Fermi Gases in the BCS-BEC Crossover: Quantum Monte Carlo Methods, Hydrodynamics and Local Density Approximation. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
20 December 2010
Abd El All, Naglaa Fathy (2010) Negative Thermal Expansion in Zincblende Structure: an EXAFS study of CdTe. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
22 December 2010
Dholam, Rupali S. (2010) Development of Solar Sensitive Thin Film for Water Splitting and Water Heating using Solar Concentrator. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
Torrengo, Simona (2010) Surface Functionalisation and Characterization of Diamond Thin Films for Sensing Applications. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
28 February 2011
Piazza, Francesco (2011) Ultracold Bosonic Gases: Superfluidity and Quantum Interferometry. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
29 March 2011
Fernandes, Rohan Pascal (2011) Synthesis, characterization, and field-test of nanocatalysts for hydrogen production by hydrolysis of chemical hydrides. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
16 November 2011
Tonezzer, Matteo (2011) Optimization of nanostructured materials towards gas sensing. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
19 December 2011
Zanatta, Marco (2011) Vibrational dynamics in strong glasses: the cases of densified v-SiO2 and v-SiSe2. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
20 February 2012
Landini, Manuele (2012) A tunable Bose-Einstein condensate for quantum interferometry. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
16 March 2012
Luciu, Ioana (2012) RF plasma synthesis and characterization of thin films for transparent conductors. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
14 May 2012
Pu, Peng (2012) Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Study of Conduction modes in Nanostructured TiO2 Films. PhD thesis, University of Trento, University Pierre&Marie Curie de Paris.
14 November 2012
Leonardi, Alberto (2012) Molecular Dynamics and X-ray Powder Diffraction Simulations: Investigation of nano-polycrystalline microstructure at the atomic scale coupling local structure configurations and X-ray powder Diffraction techniques. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
18 February 2013
Larcher, Marco (2013) Localization and spreading of matter waves in disordered potentials. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
Matveeva, Natalia (2013) Study of dynamic and ground-state properties of dipolar Fermi gases using mean-field and quantum Monte Carlo methods. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
26 March 2013
Sgrignuoli, Fabrizio (2013) Silicon nanocrystals downshifting for photovoltaic applications. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
11 April 2013
Demenev, Evgeny (2013) Evolution of Arsenic nanometric distributions in Silicon under advanced ion implantation and annealing processes. PhD thesis, University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
18 April 2013
Taioli, Simone (2013) From materials science to astrophysics with electronic structure calculations. PhD thesis, University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
09 September 2013
Pandiyan, Rajesh (2013) Growth by radio frequency sputtering and characterisation of rare earth doped wide bandgap oxides. PhD thesis, University of Trento, Trento, Italy, ENSCP, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France.
16 December 2013
Covino, Roberto (2013) Investigating Protein Folding Pathways at Atomistic Resolution: from a Small Domain to a Knotted Protein. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
06 March 2014
Antonio, Pontin (2014) Stabilized optomechanical systems for Quantum Optics. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
25 June 2014
Malerba, Claudia (2014) Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films solar cells: material and device characterization. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
04 November 2014
Roggero, Alessandro (2014) Ground state and dynamical properties of many-body systems by non conventional Quantum Monte Carlo algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
01 December 2014
Bartolo, Nicola (2014) Matter Waves in Reduced Dimensions: Dipolar-Induced Resonances and Atomic Artificial Crystals. PhD thesis, University of Trento, Unversité Montpellier 2.
12 December 2014
Martone, Giovanni Italo (2014) Static and dynamic properties of spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
15 December 2014
Gelisio, Luca (2014) Structure and properties of nanostructured materials from atomistic modeling and advanced diffraction methods. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
16 March 2015
Schneider, Elia (2015) Quantum Transport of Electronic Excitations through Macromolecules. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
30 March 2015
Gandolfi, Davide (2015) On-chip photonic label-free biosensors. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
27 April 2015
Peña Ardila, Luis A. (2015) Impurities in a Bose-Einstein condensate using quantum Monte-Carlo methods: ground-state properties. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
28 April 2015
Brigidi, Fabio (2015) Modelling of Grazing Incidence X-Ray Fluorescence (GIXRF) for surface layer characterisation. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
14 December 2015
Raniero, Walter (2015) Optimization of a PVD Deposition System for the Realization of Dichroic Filters used in CPV spectral Separation System for the Energy Production. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
21 March 2016
El koura, Zakaria (2016) Solar water splitting for hydrogen production: development of photocatalysts based on earth abundant and biocompatible materials (TiO2 and Fe2O3). PhD thesis, University of Trento.
08 April 2016
Donadello, Simone (2016) Observation of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a bosonic gas. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
12 April 2016
Secchi, Maria (2016) Nanostructure formation on Germanium by ion irradiation. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
19 April 2016
Salerno, Grazia (2016) Artificial gauge fields in photonics and mechanical systems. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
29 April 2016
Vasilchenko, Iustyna (2016) Fabrication and characterization of Phosphate-based planar waveguides activated by Er3+ ions. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
15 March 2017
Serafini, Simone (2017) Dynamics of Vortices and their Interactions in Bose-Einstein Condensates. PhD thesis, University of Trento, INO-CNR BEC Center.
06 April 2017
Khan , Hafeez Ullah (2017) Decoration of graphene sheets with metal and metal oxide nanostructures by low-pressure plasma deposition. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
27 April 2017
Bernard, Martino (2017) Lightwave circuits for integrated Silicon Photonics. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
08 November 2017
Campostrini, Matteo (2017) Development of multilayer for protection from intense electric fields. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
20 November 2017
Schiavo, Loredana (2017) Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Materials for Hydrogen Storage Applications. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
25 January 2018
Bartali, Ruben (2018) Wettability of graphitic materials and development of graphene layer as barriers to prevent the surface degradation induced by water. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
26 January 2018
Gorrini, Federico (2018) Nanodiamonds for biological applications: Synthesis by laser ablation and sensing of local magnetic environment by optical spectroscopy of NV centers. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
22 February 2018
Fava, Eleonora (2018) Static and dynamics properties of a miscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
23 February 2018
Gatti, Nicola (2018) Laser diagnostics of non-equilibrium plasmas. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
09 April 2018
Pedrielli, Andrea (2018) Modeling and simulations of low dimensional and nanostructured materials systems at the nanoscale. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
20 April 2018
Colzi, Giacomo (2018) A new apparatus to simulate fundamental interactions with ultracold atoms. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
Trenti, Alessandro (2018) Generation, manipulation and detection of NIR and MIR entangled photon pairs. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
23 April 2018
Larcher, Fabrizio (2018) Dynamical excitations in low-dimensional condensates: sound, vortices and quenched dynamics. PhD thesis, University of Trento, Newcastle University.
17 May 2018
Guatieri, Francesco (2018) Production and excitation of cold Ps for anti-H formation by charge exchange: towards a gravitational measurement on antimatter. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
19 July 2018
Dallari, Francesco (2018) Slow dynamics in colloids and network glasses close to the structural arrest: the Stress-relaxation as a root to equilibrium. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
19 December 2018
Maestri, Cecilia Ada (2018) Cellulose-based BioNanoMaterials:Structure and Properties. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
15 February 2019
Orioli, Simone (2019) Generating and Validating Transition Path Ensembles of Protein Folding. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
09 April 2019
Tran, Thi Ngoc Lam (2019) Tin dioxide-based photonic glass-ceramics. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
06 May 2019
Perez Demydenko, Camilo (2019) Static and dynamic disorder in nanocrystalline materials. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
10 May 2019
Parisi, Luca (2019) Mixtures of ultracold Bose gases in one dimension: A Quantum Monte Carlo study. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
29 May 2019
Azzolini, Martina (2019) Monte Carlo Simulations of Electron Transport in 3D Solids and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Mechanics of 2D materials. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
Morresi, Tommaso (2019) From atoms to extended structures via ab-initio and multi-scale simulations. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
30 May 2019
Flor, Alberto (2019) Atomic Modelling of Disorder in Metal Nanocrystals. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
07 June 2019
Marcante, Marco (2019) Development and characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for cryogenic applications. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
21 June 2019
Mordini, Carmelo (2019) Measurement of the density profile of quantized vortices and of the equation of state in a 3D interacting Bose gas. PhD thesis, University of Trento.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 01:30:25 2025 CET.